AGM Honours & Major Awards
At the recent AGM held on Zoom the following Honours and Awards were presented.
Life Member
Geoffrey Inman
Honorary Members
Petrina Porter
Marc Lionnet
Lynn Elliott
Margaret Marsh Award Most Outstanding Club Member Laura Boyer
Shane Edmonds Junior Competition Award Isabella Khalil
Youth Development Award Foundation Mia Jurcevic
Future Leaders Award Lachlan Sallabank
Trainer of the Year Rachael Gay
Margaret Worrell Award Most Points earned in Competition at local Carnivals Saxon Beale
Bruce Edmonds Award For Outstanding Contribution to the Nipper program Sophie and Patrick Haseler
President’s award For the Most Promising Youth Member Tori Hil
Bruce Thompson Award Most points earned in Beach Competition at local Carnivals Saxon Beale Starfish Trainer of the Year Lincoln Ramsay
ASR Team Member of the Year Hanna Wilkinson
Beach Lifeguard of the year Edward Mackay