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Agenda - 2019/2020 Annual General Meeting

Due to the ongoing situation in Victoria the Board of Directors confirmed last month that the Anglesea Surf Lifesaving Club's 2019/20 Annual General Meeting would be held on

Sunday 27 September 2020 from 11am on the online platform Zoom (details to come).


We request members planning to attend RSVP by COB Wednesday September 23rd.

You can RSVP by clicking this link and also register any apologies.

This will enable the club to confirm in advance of the meeting date that we will have a quorum of eligible voting members (15+ needed).

Members will be sent the AGM Zoom link, meeting guidelines and an electronic copy of the 2019/2020 Annual Report shortly after RSVP's close. QUESTIONS & GENERAL BUSINESS

Questions and General Business Items during the meeting will be actioned through the Zoom chat function and instructions for how to do this will be provided in the Zoom meeting guidelines (to come). It is strongly preferred if members have questions and or general business items they would like to raise at the AGM that they forward them prior to the meeting to assist with the delivery of the AGM.

Questions and General Business can be forwarded to Jen Mclntyre, General Manager by clicking the following link by 5pm on Saturday 26th of September. Click here for AGM AGENDA

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