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Building Redevelopment Update!

What an exciting time as the ASLSC Building Redevelopment reaches the final stages. No doubt we are all looking forward to summer in what has been an interesting year!

Anyone who is still considering donating this is your last opportunity to be recognised as we need to organise the recognition honour boards. The response and generosity from club members has been incredible and we are close to $5.2 million but would love to reach $5.5 million which is the ultimate cost of the building redevelopment. The Club has arrangements in place with the Bendigo Bank if required but it would be fantastic to not have to utilise that money. We are looking for pledges, preferably spaced over the next two years that will help us close the gap. If you are interested in learning more please contact Ingilby Dickson - Fundraising Chair on

Phone: 0425 233 300 If you are interested in contributing please download the Pledge form by clinking this link.

The closing date for pledges is October 18 2020. A Building Donors event is provisionally planned for November where the Donors Honour Board will be unveiled prior to the official opening and summer activities. All dates to be confirmed and are pending the relevant restrictions being eased. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated so far - what an incredible effort and the results speak for themselves with a simply magnificent club house taking shape.

To check out the latest action on the clubhouse - click on this link

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