The backbone of Surf Clubs = Volunteers
At ASLSC we many examples of people volunteering their time throughout the surf club...patrollers, nipper age group leaders, dolphin coaches, sausage sizzlers at fundraisers, preparing for events, packing up for events....the list goes on and on.
Thank you to our VOLUNTEERS - we cannot emphasise how much we appreciate everybody who puts in their time and effort.
To everyone who gets involved and helps. No matter how small your contribution it ALL helps!
The strategic plan review identified people would like to do more and do not always know how to get involved so we want to make it easier for you.
We have several opportunities coming up over the busy summer period including
- Rock2Ramp 2019 and the
- Anglesea Carnival.
The bonus of getting involved is you meet more people around the club and it also feels good to help....
Please follow the link below if you are keen to get involved - we would love to have you onboard.