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Building Redevelopment Update - February 2019

As we get closer to the finish line (or is it the starting line?) we need to start making some preparations for the redevelopment which we are confident of starting later this year.

Prior to any works starting the office, along with shop stock and some rescue gear will be relocated to the gym. As some works will need to carried out in the gym to allow this to happen the gym will be closing some time after the end of February. We also need to construct a doorway into the Female Bunkrooms from the store area under the Ray Marsh Room deck and both bunkrooms will be out of service during the redevelopment.

In due course all other rescue, training and nipper equipment will be relocated to our off-site storage facility in the Anglesea industrial estate. If you are storing personal craft such as ski’s or boards at the club, we ask that you collect these and store elsewhere as we will be unable to store these for you during the redevelopment.

Once we have a better handle on a start date and the construction program the relevant directors will provide advice on how their areas will operate throughout the 2019-2020 season. However, it is clear that there will be major adjustments needed in how we run patrols, member development programs and the nipper program next season.

Our fundraising now stands at around $3.9M so if you’ve been hanging back, waiting to see if this project is real or just a dream, now is the time to commit and be recognised for your support as we are almost at that finish/start line! Go to to make a donation or pledge or see Jaci in the office.

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