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Rock2Ramp next Friday - call for helpers

Next week we hold our annual Rock2Ramp Ocean Swim event, incorporating Banana Boat SwimKids . This is a major fundraising event for the Club and we need your help to make it a success.

Thursday 27th December

  • 10.30am-1.30pm: Helpers needed to pack trailers at the offsite facility (Anglesea Industrial Estate, next to RACV) and then transport equipment to Point Roadknight to set up. Meet at the offsite facility at 10.30am.

Friday 28th December

  • 6.30am-8.30am: Helpers needed to set up the beach at Point Roadknight. Meet at the Yacht Club at 6.30am.

  • 9.00am-1.00pm: Water Safety needed. Please come with a hat and a wetsuit (and board if you own one). Meet at the Yacht Club at 9.00am. If you have your SRC or Bronze we need you!

  • 1.00pm-3.00pm: Helpers are needed to pack up the beach and transport everything back to the club or offsite facility.

All Helpers and Water Safety will be provided the following as a thanks for your help:

  • Free lunch and drink at the event.

  • An event T-shirt.

  • Patrol hours.

Any queries please contact Tom on 0438 054 455 or email Thanks!

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