ASLSC receives $500k toward redevelopment
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club (ASLSC) will receive a $500,000 grant as part of the Regional Jobs and Investment Package for Geelong.
ASLSC’s grant will assist it redevelop its existing clubhouse into a fit-for-purpose Training and Development Facility that will also serve as an education hub and a focal point for other sporting and leisure activities and thus assist in promoting tourism in the region.
Along with twenty other Geelong grant recipients of funds totalling $20 million, “more than 600 new jobs will be generated through the construction phase and a further 600 ongoing jobs will be created,” Mr Turnbull said.
Media queries – Peter Williams, Chair, ASLSC Redevelopment Committee M 0419 384 043
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Picture above:
Tom Cullen, President, ASLSC, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Sarah Henderson, MP, Federal Member for Corangamite and Peter Williams, Chair, ASLSC Redevelopment Committee.