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Planning Permit issued for new Operations & Training Centre

Why do we need a new Operations & Training Centre?

Our lower clubhouse is over 50 years old, no longer able to serve member needs and requires urgent and costly repair.

Purpose and design of the new building

Our aim is to design and build a facility that will serve the needs of the club and community it serves over the next 50 years.

Our current design incorporates :

  • Life Saving Victoria’s clubhouse ‘best practice’ design recommendations

  • The needs of each section of the club

  • Opportunities to leverage ASLSC as a base for other outdoor sporting and adventure activities

  • Opportunities to leverage ASLSC’s location to support club and other community activities year round

Planning/construction progress (see process chart above)

On Friday 24 November we received confirmation that the redevelopment has been issued a planning permit by Surf Coast Shire Council.

This follows more than six years of design development, consultation and engagement with government agencies and the broader community.

A copy of the drawings can be found on As part of their planning approval, Council has requested a couple of minor amendments to these plans which are underway.

Project Governance

Given we have received Coastal Management Consent and applied for council Planning Approval, a Project Governance framework has been developed and approved by the Board. This includes establishment of a Project Committee and identification of decision gates to ensure members interests and process transparency are observed and maintained.

Estimated cost

In it’s current form, we estimate the project will cost $5m to complete. This will be confirmed once we have finalised the interior layout/design.

How will the redevelopment be paid for?

Funds received/pledged to date $2.45m:

  • State Government $1.50m

  • Surf Coast Shire $0.25m

  • Cornerstone donations $0.70m

We aim to secure up to $500k from members and friends of ASLSC through a range of fund raising initiatives led by Ingilby Dickson.

This will be complemented by a focused program to secure up to $2m from government in the lead up to the next federal election (Aug ‘18 – May ‘19) and match the $2m secured by Jan Juc SLSC during the 2016 election.

Given the value, conditions and timing of donations and grants it it highly likely the club will need to finance a portion of the construction program.

Based on our current financial position we can service a loan of up to $700k. The value and structure of any club financing facility will be communicated to all members once we have more information regarding costs and funds raised.

Member engagement and information

From this point forward ASLSC will be distributing a new quarterly Members Bulletin (incorporating Green & White Rag) in both an electronic and hard copy format (posted to all members).

Key next steps and timing

  1. Seek member feedback on the redevelopment’s internal design and fit out. Have a look at the plans here and tell us what you think by 8 December.

  2. Drawings will be revised to reflect conditions issued by Council in the planning permit.

  3. The redevelopment will be re-costed.

  4. Commence fund raising activities involving the whole club and boarder community.

  5. Lobby government and political parties to secure $2m or more in the lead up to the next federal election.

What can you do to help?

The most valuable thing you can do is contribute funds toward the new Operations & Training Centre. Please contact Ingilby Dickson, Chair of our Fundraising program on M 0425 233 300 to discuss further.

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