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Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club

The Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club is a professionally run, incorporated, voluntary registered not-for-profit community organisation which led the way by adopting a business model to run the club.


Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club employ several staff to ensure the Club operates to its capacity. Staff include a General Manager, Club Administrators and Duty Officers. They work closely with the many volunteers of the surf club across all areas of the Club.


An Executive Board that consists of a President, two vice Presidents, a Club Captain and eight Directors manage the Anglesea SLSC. The Club Captain forms the link between the general membership and the Board and is charged with ensuring that the Board is aware of, and responsive to, the requirements of the members.


Each Director is responsible for the effective management of their directorate in-line with overall club objectives. The eight areas are:


  1. Rescue Services

  2. Development Services

  3. Junior Activities

  4. Competition

  5. Facilities

  6. Marketing

  7. Finance

  8. Administration


Each area of the club has a number of positions supporting each Director with Directors Executive Board meetings being held monthly. Should individual members wish to attend, please contact the President or Secretary prior.


The following documents outline the organisational structure and role responsibilities :


ASLSC functional structure


Position Descriptions:


PD – President

PD – Vice President Life Saving

PD – Vice President Operations

PD - Secretary

PD - Director of Administration

PD – Club Captain

PD – Director of Facilities

PD - Director of Finance

PD – Director of Marketing

PD – Director of Surf Sports

PD - Director of Rescue Services

PD – Director of Youth Development

PD - IRB Manager

PD - IRB Captain (Surf Sports)

PD - R&R Manager (Surf Sports)

PD - Team Manager (Surf Sports)



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© 2018 - Anglesea SLSC

All Photographs remain © Anglesea SLSC

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