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Anglesea Surf Rescue

Anglesea Surf Rescue (ASR) is a group of our most loyal and dedicated patrolling members. It is designed to ensure that Anglesea Main Beach is patrolled at all times during the volunteer patrol season, ensuring all awards are covered and LSV and SLSA minimum requirements are always meet.


ASR is made up of 8 teams of dedicated lifesavers who are rostered throughout the season for an average of 40 hours each.


ASR’s Mission Statement:


  • ASR to be regarded as an elite squad of highly qualified surf life savers dedicated to providing
    a safe aquatic environment for visitors to beaches for which Anglesea SLSC is responsible to
    ensure Anglesea SLSC is regarded as the premier all-round Surf Life Saving Club in Victoria.

  • To achieve recognition from the Anglesea community and local government.

  • To attract high-quality members who are looking beyond the surf lifesaving competition environment.


ASR’s Objectives:


  • To provide Anglesea SLSC members with the opportunity to develop strong leadership skills.

  • To be continuously placed within the top five Victorian SLS Clubs each year in the Patrol
    Competition and top club in our district.

  • To establish eight ASR squads with a minimum of seven members each

  • To ensure Anglesea SLSC fulfills it’s LSV patrol obligations and our ‘duty of care’. 


Each ASR patrol structure includes:


  • Patrol Captain

  • Patrol Vice Captain

  • Beach Management

  • IRB Driver

  • IRB Crew

  • ART

  • Spinal

  • Board/Tube Operator

  • First Aid Operator

  • Rookies


These roles all have specific duties. It is the responsibility of each member to identify these and fulfill them each patrol.

They can be found in the Patrol Captain, Vice Captain and mentor handbook. These roles focus around:


  • Roles, duties and responsibilities

  • Set up and pack up procedures

  • On patrol training


If you would like more information on the ASR please contact the Director of Rescue Services.


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© 2018 - Anglesea SLSC

All Photographs remain © Anglesea SLSC

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